Seriously, I got picked for something. Me! Picked! By Sarah at Naked Cupcakes (which, incidentally, is one of the better blog names I've come across recently. It makes me hungry and randy. Truly a lovely combo).
So ... I'm supposed to say six things I am a master at. I'm going to vote for:
1.) I am a master of modesty. No, seriously. You have no idea how modest I am.
2.) I am a master of sarcasm. No, really. You have no idea how serious I am about being sarcastic.
3.) I am a master of cuddling and b.j.'s. Ha! I'm kidding. (Sort of. Not really. ((Just kidding mom!)) I'm totally not.)
4.) I am a master of Better-than-average home cookery and baking
5.) I am a master of liquid eyeliner application.
6.) I am a master of ordering super-involved, pain-in-the-A orders at certain restaurants that I used to work at, like Red Robin, where I order a teriyaki chicken burger, on a plate with silverware, sub a whole wheat bun, with extra pineapple and a side of honey mustard dressing.
Annnd now I'm supposed to tag six people. Hmmm.
1.) SGL at Dating is weird
2.) Plumpdumpling at Unapologetically Mundane
3.) Thewritegal at Seasoned to taste
4.) Shannon at Wannabe Hipster Mom
5.) The Kama Mama
6.) Kelly at Bachelor Girl
OK, that was hard. Too much listing for one day.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I got picked!
Posted by
Ells (aka Serialmono)
5:14 PM
- Unapologetically Mundane March 4, 2010 at 9:17 AM
That the award is "Sunny"-related ALMOST makes me want to do this.
- S.G.Loughlin March 9, 2010 at 9:42 AM
Wait. Shit. What am I supposed to do and where? Here in the comment section or on DIW? I wouldn't claim mastery of anything, really. So I'm the master at unmasterness. How's that.
- jacqueline March 15, 2010 at 7:07 PM
You ARE a master of liquid eyeliner application! I wish I had your skills! You're a master at WAY more than that, tho. xo
Why, hello.

- Ells (aka Serialmono)
- Take one girl, born and bred in Oregon.
Sprinkle in some smelly dogs, add a southern boy, pack up a trailer and ship them all off to South Carolina.
Here's where (instead of writing about running, as I'd originally planned) I write about moving from the Pacific Northwest to the Deep South.
I'm totally scared of bugs and humidity, but I love me some hush puppies.
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Yay! BJs! I'm so very glad I tagged you.