It's Tuesday, and my big plan for the week is already blown. The big plan wherein I wake up early every other day and walk as fast as I can up the hill behind my house. Except, you know, the hill behind my house is Pilot Butte.
(I like the nasty industrial stuff in the foreground from this pic. This town was suuuper classy in 1984.)
I know it's only 500 feet up, but -- wait, yup. 500 feet is a lot. Or it feels like a lot in a 20-minute fast walk. Especially at 6 a.m.
Anyhoo, here's how I've been entertaining myself this week:
Blogsite soundtracks via Frequency (Click the button! You know you want to!):
Imiagining the awesomeness of living in New York and thus being able to participate in Karaoke Chatroulette, a combo of everyone's favorite things, jerking off and karaoke, over at Unapologetically Mundane.
Watching Date Night with the Roomie, and beginning to plot our next Halloween costumes: Sex Robots. Also, in case you were wondering:
(Yes, please.)
Oh! And if you miss the dirty dating blathering of everyone's favorite nearly-defunct blogsite,, know this: Good things are on the way. New guest editors, a new look, hell, maybe even a post or two.
And lastly, if you, too, are depressed by craptastic weather (it's snaining here today), and you don't already know who The Snuggler is, go check it out. I'd embed the video, but everything I try keeps on not working, and it's really pissing me off. So now I have to go watch it on a different page, because the weather and Adult Swim are out to get me.
Also, if it happens to be nice and spring fresh where you are, please shutupaboutit already.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Posted by
Ells (aka Serialmono)
1:20 PM
- Ells April 28, 2010 at 8:11 AM
I have a couple of your stickers still, too. I was actually thinking about bringing some to a friend who started reading recently (you're welcome).
Aaaaand, yeah. Not drunk. Just tarded. Fixed. Thanks!
Oh, and that hill? Never deserted. There are always people all over that damn thing. People here are so athletic they run past me up the effing hill. Since this is a ski and mountain bike town, they're all not so much pretty in that fashioney, skinny New York way. They're more the goretex-clad, leather-faced and muscle-bound variety.
Why, hello.

- Ells (aka Serialmono)
- Take one girl, born and bred in Oregon.
Sprinkle in some smelly dogs, add a southern boy, pack up a trailer and ship them all off to South Carolina.
Here's where (instead of writing about running, as I'd originally planned) I write about moving from the Pacific Northwest to the Deep South.
I'm totally scared of bugs and humidity, but I love me some hush puppies.
Blog love
- apparel (5)
- besties (4)
- blogging (2)
- boobs (4)
- boys (4)
- caffeine (3)
- D-bags (3)
- doctors (1)
- family (2)
- food (13)
- hammy (2)
- Karma's a bitch (5)
- Kaya (3)
- Margaux (9)
- new experiences (2)
- Off topic (6)
- pilates (2)
- plantar fasciitis (10)
- poetry (3)
- Rio (6)
- Roomie (15)
- running (12)
- South Carolina (2)
- sports (5)
- TDB (1)
- the innerwebs (1)
- the outdoors (6)
- workouts (14)
- yoga (5)
- yuk (6)
I was thinking about DIW just yesterday. I still have a couple of stickers left and was wondering if I should stick them up and let anyone who sees them be totally disappointed by its quietness or if I should save them. Guess I'll keep 'em for a minute, at least.
Also, based on the number of times you told us that "it's snaining here today", I'm going to guess that you're drunk.
I need a nice deserted hill to walk up. I think a lot of what keeps me from exercising is embarrassment about how stupid I look doing it. I've been walking a lot lately, but it's always sooooo slowly, because it's always amongst the pretty people.
And finally, thanks for the linkin'.