I thought about not writing about this here, because it's just so depressing. But I have to. (How's that for a winning lede?)
Wednesday morning last week, I went to wake the dogs up and let them out, and right away knew something was wrong. Rio (of turd fairy fame) had moved a few steps from the bed the three dogs share, and was lying on the floor on his side, whimpering quietly. His front legs were quivering. When I moved to the door and called the dogs, as I do every morning, he pushed up on his front legs into a sit and looked at me.
"Rio, come on buddy," I said. He tried to push forward, but that was it. His eyes were wide. He tried to shove forward, but his bum stayed put.
Now, I've lived with Rio for a year. Roomie's had him for six. He's a little bit of a drama queen. A hurty paw, a tiny sliver in the pad, could leave him three-legged. A subtle breeze could elicit a squealing plead for mercy.
But this was no drama queen moment. He was paralyzed from mid-waist down.
Over the next couple of days, the vet tried a few of the less expensive diagnostic and treatment options. But the prognosis wasn't good. There was little hope for recovery. He was going to be paralyzed. He was going to be incontinent. And his personality wasn't going to change; he would still be an anxious little guy. The kind of dog who, at the slightest bit of stress, would lick his paws raw.
And now, as he pissed all over the pee-pee pads we'd tucked underneath him, shitting medication and stress-induced diarrhea all over himself and his bedding, it bothered him. He fretted. He tried reaching his back side, tried licking himself clean. He buried his head in his paws when we were cleaning him.
You see where this is going. We decided to put him down. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever been a part of -- and I won't even begin to imagine or explain what it was like for Roomie.
Now for the part where I piss off the cat people: Dogs are a bigger deal than cats. Sure, cats are companions, and they're sweet, and they can be affectionate, and I can really see why some people are "cat people." I mean, dogs are a pain in the ass. Hooboy don't I know it. Dogs smell. Dogs can be a liability. They make it hard to go away, even for a weekend. They kill people sometimes. But cats aren't dogs. Dogs have soul -- and I don't mean they have something crafted by god that other animals don't have, I'm staying away from the whole god argument. I mean they have the kind of soul James Brown talks about. Dogs totally look at you and see you, all Avatar-style, whereas cats look at you and you might as well be a lamp. Perhaps your cat looks at you and sees a lamp that gives good belly rubs or a lamp that puts food in his bowl, but you're still a fucking lamp.
The last morning we had Rio, we took him to McDonalds and bought him an egg McMuffin. We took him to the park and pet his velvet toffee ears. And we stayed with him until the end. If you've never put an animal down, you can probably imagine what it's like, and how much it sucks. I thought I could imagine how awful it would be before I had to go through it on Friday. But here's the thing: It's so much worse.
The day we put him down, I went to the going-away party of one of my best friends, who's moving to Utah (Utah, for chrissakes). The next morning, my Roomie left for most of the next month for work. Oh and the gee dee tire store called and won't put my summer tires on because they're bald and 'we have a nice tire we can put you in for $6,000 and why don't you also bend over for us lady.'
I think I'm going to write a country song. I'll start with something about how I haven't been sleeping right. How at first, I can't get to sleep, then, in the morning, I want to stay in bed all day. I'll also write about filling up two bowls with breakfast instead of three, and about Margaux pacing the back yard with too much energy, looking for someone who wants to play.
And now, with apologies, here are some pictures of Rio. He was even cuter in person.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Everything sucks
Posted by
Ells (aka Serialmono)
11:23 PM
- Jules May 12, 2010 at 9:27 AM
Rio was a sweet boy. I'm so sorry you had to go through this - definitely one of the toughest things I've ever done. And no matter how obvious it is that you made the right choice, it never makes it any easier.
- Unapologetically Mundane May 12, 2010 at 11:10 AM
a) Those are great pictures.
b) Even as a former cat person who now also loves dogs but isn't home enough to have pets, I understand what you mean about the differences between cats and dogs. That's why you can leave cats alone at home for two weeks but can't leave your dog alone for two hours–dogs are much more "human".
c) It's so awesome that you gave him an Egg McMuffin. McDonald's should use this as a marketing ploy.
d) This sucks. - Erin May 12, 2010 at 7:06 PM
I'm so sorry. It really is just the most awful thing to have to do. And also, I read recently that dogs are one of few creatures that actually laugh. They definitely have souls.
- Midwestern Mama Holly May 14, 2010 at 1:38 PM
What a sad, beautiful tribute to your sweet doggie. Did you stay with him until he passed? Years ago we had to put down a beloved pet friend. The vet said we should leave, I refused. I understood why he said that, but I couldn't let my friend go alone. I didn't want him to be afraid.
- Ells May 14, 2010 at 1:42 PM
Oh, no, the vet told us we could leave or stay, whichever we wanted. We stayed. And a part that didn't make it into this story is a friend who came to town to help. She basically saved our asses. She helped us make the tough calls, said the hard things to say (we couldn't even tell the vet why we were there the day we went to put him down), she suggested the egg McMuffin. She stayed, too. She's my personal hero. Oh, and she paid the vet bill. Seriously. Looover her.
Why, hello.

- Ells (aka Serialmono)
- Take one girl, born and bred in Oregon.
Sprinkle in some smelly dogs, add a southern boy, pack up a trailer and ship them all off to South Carolina.
Here's where (instead of writing about running, as I'd originally planned) I write about moving from the Pacific Northwest to the Deep South.
I'm totally scared of bugs and humidity, but I love me some hush puppies.
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I am sooo sorry. I know how horrible it is to have a pet die - the exact thing happened to me in August with my dog Tundra.
Guh - now I'm crying all over again!